Nature's Wisdom was founded on the offering of therapeutic touch therapy, via Reflexology. When I began my formal natural health studies at the Naturopathic Institute, Reflexology was one of the very first skills that I learned and it resonated with me right away.
Very quickly, I learned that I could offer presence to clients, as well as relief (if temporary) from pain and discomfort through Reflexology. My clientele built up rapidly on this first service that I was able to offer, and I still very much enjoy sharing the many benefits of Reflexology of the hands, feet, scalp, and ears with others.
The benefits of touch and holistic bodywork run deep, but are often overlooked. In the course of our lives, touch for some becomes triggering or traumatic, so they will choose to avoid it. A mother of young children may often feel "touched out", someone living alone might not experience touch often, and there are those for whom touch feels threatening or dangerous due to previous trauma. Touch can also come with a feeling of obligation, for example if a partner touches with the expectation of sex. Yet physical touch for people of all ages and walks of life is an essential piece of supporting healing and overall well being.
Through science, we know with certainty that the touch of another human being is one way that our nervous system can be comforted and regulated. It supports the immune system and helps lower blood pressure, stimulates mood-regulating neurotransmitters and hormones. We bond with loved ones through touch in ways that reinforce our intimacy and help us feel secure. An infant simply cannot thrive without the touch of their caregiver, nor can we exist in peak mental or physical wellness as adults without touch.
Our current COVID-19 pandemic has had a massive impact on our ability to give and receive touch in an everyday way though hugs, holding hands, kissing, high fives, handshakes, etc. This has left it's mark on so many over the past year, and will continue to affect us for months to come.
When touch feels lacking or unsafe in our everyday lives, one way to accommodate this innate need is through the therapeutic touch services of a bodyworker. That could be any number of modalities such as massage, reflexology, craniosacral therapy, aesthetics/skincare, energy work, and more.
Utilizing the services of a professional bodyworker releases the client from any sense of obligation and allows them great control in choosing how the process unfolds to meet their unique needs. You can dictate the type, intensity, and duration of the touch, you can choose the location, pick modalities where you remain clothed if that feels better to you, and if for any reason you do not feel comfortable or in alignment with a particular bodyworker, you can also choose to leave and/or not return.
As a practitioner who also integrates bodywork into my comprehensive and deeper psychospiritual work with clients, I've witnessed that touch is just one of the pathways which we can explore to initiate and support healing. For some, touch is a great place to begin. Many times this feels right for those who have experienced trauma that they find difficulty accessing or processing mentally or verbally. For others the initial pathway may be more mental or spiritual.
Whether you're simply seeking stress or pain relief or considering bodywork as part of a more intensive path to well being, I truly believe that bodywork and touch are a critical part of good personal maintenance and self-care. This is one where I really practice what I preach - my family makes sure to create time and space in our schedule and budget for each of us to receive regular, professional therapeutic touch.
In addition to Reflexology, you can also receive Massage Therapy, Raindrop Aromatherapy Technique, Light Healing Touch (a combination of energy modalities including Reiki, CranioSacral, Aromatherapy, & Sound), and Vibrational Sound Therapy at Nature's Wisdom. You can schedule your appointment now with Erica (holistic bodywork options) or Stefanka (massage) via the website.
